Citing and Bibliographies

Citing and bibliographies

Proper citation is important for all scholarly work. Style guides, or style manuals, provide detailed information about how to use a particular citation style for various media formats. The following list is a selection of citation style guides. The electronic guides do not include all the rules and formats of the citation style. For a complete and comprehensive guide to citation style, please access a print copy of the guide. For other styles and guides not listed on this page, consult: Alternate Style Guides

Citation Styles & Formats

APA Style

MLA Style

Chicago Style

Electronic Guides APA Documentation Style MLA Format The Chicago Manual of Style Online
APA Citation Guide MLA from the University of Maryland ONline! Citation Styles

Print Guides

Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
The Chicago Manual of Style
Writing with Style: APA Style Made Easy
Cites & Sources: MLA Guide
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
For a printable version: Guide to Style Manuals


York University Libraries have purchased a campus-wide license for RefWorks, a web-based bibliographic management tool (citation manager). Any current York student, staff or faculty member can access and use this software without individual charge.

Benefits of using RefWorks include:

  • Easy export of article records from library articles databases and the library catalogue to Refworks.
  • Convenient tools for organizing and managing research resources tracked.
  • Quick and easy access to the full-text of articles you have in RefWorks via Find it @ York links.
  • Straightforward generation of in-text citations and lists of references in over 200 different citation styles (including benefits of using the RefWorks Write-N-Cite plugin which allows you to formulate in-text citations and references directly within your MS Office Word document).
  • Share research findings with others working on an assignment or research project by using RefShare and other RefWorks features.

Consult the the library’s RefWorks webpage:

  • to login to RefWorks
  • to set up an account (first time users)
  • to access guides and tutorials about using RefWorks.