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Virtual Reality Resources for Instructors

Virtual Reality (VR) is more of a technology than an assignment type, but its applications in a teaching and learning context are both broad and evolving so we’ve decided to create a special section just for it. 

Virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality can create and enrich the experience of place and space. Research suggests that VR environments can also foster empathy and a sense of connection through simulation or interactive experiences. 

A simple method for integrating virtual reality into the learning environment is the inclusion of non-interactive or interactive content, from immersive video or documentaries to complete teaching or simulation experiences. VR technology can also be used to host online meetings, conferences or presentations, turning a disconnected remote learning environment into one where a sense of presence. 

We encourage instructors to explore VR experience creation opportunities, as well, such as having students use 360-degree video cameras to record presentations, interviews, short performances, clinical scenarios, and more. 

To learn more about using VR for learning see:

VR and mixed reality equipment

The Scott Media Creation Lab has Oculus Quest headsets, gaming laptops, and 360-degree cameras available for curriculum use. See our equipment page or contact us to learn more.

Tools/Technologies for hosting 360-degree video content 

Tools/Technologies for creating Virtual Reality content 

360-degree video creation 
3D Modeling and Photogrammetry

Meetings, Events, and Presentations
  • EngageVR (events, meetings, simulations)
  • AltSpaceVR (social experiences, events, and meetings)
  • CoSpaces (for classroom experiences)
  • VRChat (for social VR experiences)
Creating Interactive Environments

York University Libraries has curated a list of VR experiences that may be appropriate for use as part of course materials or coursework. It is not exhaustive but presents content options across a number of disciplines. 

VR Experiences Catalogue (on Zotero.org)

The Scott Library Media Creation Lab can provide individual or group access to headsets. Get in touch if you’d like to see these experiences or introduce them to your class. 

360-degree Videos

Client Centered Care, created for the Nursing Leadership and Change course (Zipora Rahmanov, Rachel Federgreen, Jenny Nguyen, Isiah Pantaleon, Matthew Tomasov, Anna Fong-Yei Tsao)

Pow Wow Circle at Vari Hall, created for the Narratives of Cultural Production course (Aaima Ahmad, Nima Hooshmand, Rachelle Beswick, Gal Amit)

Appel, Lora, Eva Peisachovich, and Donald Sinclair. 2021. “CVRRICULUM Program: Benefits and Challenges of Embedding Virtual Reality as an Educational Medium in Undergraduate Curricula.” International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 9 (3): 219–36. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol9.iss3.2992

McGovern, Enda, Gerardo Moreira, and Cuauhtemoc Luna-Nevarez. 2020. “An Application of Virtual Reality in Education: Can This Technology Enhance the Quality of Students’ Learning Experience?” Journal of Education for Business 95 (7): 490–96. https://doi.org/10.1080/08832323.2019.1703096

Peisachovich, Eva, Lora Appel, Don Sinclair, Vladislav Luchnikov, and Celina Da Silva. 2021. “CVRriculum Program Faculty Development Workshop: Outcomes and Suggestions for Improving the Way We Guide Instructors to Embed Virtual Reality Into Course Curriculum.” Cureus, March. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.13692

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