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Fonds Register

What is a "fonds"?

A fonds, or fond d'archives, is the whole of the records, regardless of form or medium, automatically and organically created and/or accumulated by a particular individual, family, or corporate body in the course of that creator's activities.

The following is a list of fonds filed alphabetically by the name of the creator of the fonds. Each fonds is assigned a unique reference number which users should cite if they wish to examine the inventory prepared for the fonds. Paper copies of our finding aids are available in the archives reading room.

Fonds level descriptions for many of our fonds are available in York University Libraries online catalogue or can be searched using ARCHEION: Ontario's Archival Information Network. Individual finding aids are linked to this web site as they become available.

Digitizing these finding aids was made possible - in part or entirely - through the Canadian Culture Online Program of Canadian Heritage, the National Archives of Canada and the Canadian Council of Archives.

Research Assistance in CTASC

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Fonds Title Fonds Number

Abbott-Ferguson Productions Ltd. (Royal Canadian Air Farce)
Adams, Ellen C. F0251
Adams, Thomas F0252
Aikin, James Alexander F0136
Alberts, Edgar Tilden F0253
Allen, Rita Greer F0596
Allen, Robert Greer F0611
Alleyne, Archie Greer F0703
Andre, Marion F0177
Anisef, Paul F0500
Aplin (family) F0151
Applebaum, Louis F0254
Appley, Dee G. F0197
Archambeau-Thomas (family) F0612
Armstrong, Hilary F0583
Arpin, John F0627
Arthurs, Harry W. F0255
Association of Canadian Film Craftspeople F0178
Association of Canadian Television And Radio Artists F0256
Association of Cultural Executives F0257
Atkinson College F0001
Augustine, Jean F0515
Avenue-Bay-Cottingham Ratepayers' Association F0258
Avison, Margaret F0259
Axelrod, Paul F0224
Baar, Ellen F0226
Bakan, David F0260
Bakan College F0229
Baldwin, Shauna Singh F0490
Barber, John Montgomery F0261
Barker, Terence William F0262
Barndt, Deborah F0701
Barrett, Frank A. F0221
Bartlett, Ernest H. F0122
Battle, Rex F0518
Bazin, Germain Rene Michel F0263
Beare, Margaret F0135
Beattie, Christopher F. F0314
Beattie, Earle F0126
Beder, Edward Arthur F0264
Beer (family) F0375
Bell, George G. F0376
Berger, Jeniva F0265
Berke, Jack F0377
Beveridge (family) F0099
bissett, bill F0266
Black, Naomi F0576
Mary Louise Bogart and John Edward Page collection F0372
Borden, Robert Laird F0267
Bosher, John F. F0635
Boucher de la Bruere, Montarville F0268
Boughton, Noelle F0636
Boulton, Augusta (née) Latter F0269
Bouraoui, Hédi F0636
Bowsfield, Hartwell F0248
Boyle, Harry F0101
Briskin, Linda F0641
British Canadian Trade Association F0270
Broadfoot, Dave F0530
Brown, George Williams F0271
Bruckmann, John Joseph Frederick F0272
Buchbinder, Howard F0455
Buck, Tim F0273
Burke, Theresa F0556
Burnard, Bonnie F0219
Callaghan, Barry F0525
Calumet College F0002
Cameron family F0493
Cameron, Stevie F0190
Campbell, Norman F0476
Campbell, Sylvia Woodsworth F0678
Canada Dance Festival F0199
Canada, Department of National Revenue fonds F0662
Canadian Association for Irish Studies F0275
Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS) F0581
Canadian Association for Women in Science (CAWIS) F0459
Canadian Association of Professional Dance Organizations (CAPDO) F0172
Canadian Film Development Corporation F0278
Canadian film poster collection F0162
Canadian Friends of Finland F0628
Canadian Italian Business and Professionals Association (CIBPA) F0560
Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association F0279
Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science F0684
Canadian Speakers' and Writers' Services Ltd. F0280
Canadian Theatre Review F0281
Caplan, Gerald F0218
Cappon, Daniel F0282
Carol, Hans F0283
Cartographica F0284
Cashore, Harvey F0640
Casto, Robert F0175
Centre For Experimental Art and Communication (CEAC) F0285
Ch'en, Jerome F0286
Charles, David Orin F0602
Childbirth by Choice Trust F0513
Christen, William F0128
Christie, Robert F0192
CHRY 105.5 FM F0016
Clara Thomas Archives collection F0486
Clark, Eliza F0207
Clark, William F0669
Clarke, Alan F0200
Clarkson, Margaret F0434
Coles, Don F0125
Committee For an Independent Canada F0289
Communist Party of Canada F0290
Connelly, Karen F0498
Consumers' Gas Company F0291
Conway, John F0292
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation F0287
Cook, Ramsay F0293
Coombs, David F0169
Cooper, Barry F0294
Cooper-Clark, Diana F0228
Coptic Canadian History Project (CCHP) F0733
Council of the York Student Federation F0003
Courtney, Richard F0156
Cowan, Judith F0249
Crawford, Robert Pridham F0295
Crosbie, Lynn F0691
Crowe, Harry S. F0297
Crysdale, Stewart F0298
Cuff, Robert D. and J.L. Granatstein F0299
Cunningham, Griff F0155
Czasch, Kurt F0300
Dafoe, Frances F0613
Dance Umbrella of Ontario F0198
Danny Grossman Dance Company F0301
Davey, Donna F0506
Davey, Michael F0724
Davidson, True F0302
Davies, Ioan F0509
Davis, Donald F0108
Desh Pardesh F0522
Dosman, Edgar J. F0557
Drabinsky, Garth F0217
Drache, Daniel F0677
Drummond, Robert J. F0587
Dubberley, Robert E. F0419
Duncan, Isadora F0194
Duplessis, Maurice Le Noblet F0303
Dworin, Ruth F0491
Dwyer, Paul James F0142
Edith Fowke collection F0368
Egnal, Marc F0304
Eisen, Sydney F0209
Ellenwood, Ray F0474
Elliott, Maurice F0238
Endicott, Giles F0562
Endicott, Stephen Lyon F0667
Endler, Norman F0186
Esbin, Sheldon (collection) F0618
Esdaile family collection F0223
Excalibur Publications Inc. F0502
Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario (FWTAO) F0181
Feldbrill, Victor F0483
Feldman, Seth F0117
Ferguson, Edith F0305
Fleischmann, Esther F0094
Fleisher, Pat F0570
Fleming, Allan Robb F0529
Fleming, Nancy Barbara F0537
Flemington, Peter F0673
Forer, Arthur F0165
Forrester, Gladys F0189
Forsyth, Rob F0545
Fothergill, Robert A. F0603
Founders College F0004
Fowler, Robert MacLaren F0306
Freeman, Brian F0639
Freeman, Robert F0307
Friedlander, Mira F0205
Friedman, Otto F0308
Galloway Jim F0686
Garrett, Blanch Powall F0163
Gehl, Lynn F0648
Gentles, Ian F0106
Gerber, Sig F0591
Gifford (family) F0242
Gilbert, Michael A. Family F0706
Gilchrist Family F0309
Gillies, James M. F0310
Ginsberg, Murray F0512
Girling, Harry Knowles F0311
Glendon Day Nursery Program F0157
Glendon College F0005
Glendon College New Democrats F0239
Godard, Barbara F0236
Godard, Barbara (collection) F0656
Godfrey, Sheldon and Judy (collection) F0435
Gold, Gerald L. F0312
Golden, Anne F0608
Golden, Aubrey F0510
Golden, Marshall F0607
Goldfarb Consultants F0152
Gomes, Felipe F0634
Goodman, Joseph O. F0313
Gordon, Bernard F0137
Gordon, E.C.A., F0315
Granatstein, J. L. F0316
Green Bush Inn Incorporated (Toronto, Ont.). F0006
Greer, William F0185
Grosney, Paul F0246
Grossman, Allan F0317
Grossman, Danny F0244
Grossman, Larry F0676
Guillet, Edwin Clarence F0161
The Gurkha Welfare Appeal (Canada) F0660
Gutsell, Bernard F0489
Hackett, Arthur F0318
Hall, Leone F0213
Harbinger Community Services F0007
Harbron, John D. (family) F0319
Harris, Henry Silton F0320
Haynes, Robert Hall F0321
Hecht, Mary F0133
Hefferon, Dennis Charles F0322
Heller, Jules F0323
Henderson, Dorothy F0227
Henry, George Stewart F0324
Hepatitis C Society of Canada F0212
Herzberg, Paul F0235
Higgs, David F0571
Hockin, Thomas A. F0116
Hodges, Oliver Edwin F0325
Hoffert, Paul F0471
Hoffman, Arnold F0705
Hoffmann, Richard F0222
Horn, Michiel F0326
How, Douglas F0327
Hunt, Herbert F0683
Hutchman, Laurence F0565
Imperial Officers' Association of Canada F0328
Information York F0008
Inner Stage F0497
International Commission for Coordination of Solidarity Among Sugar Workers (ICCSASW) F0508
Ioannou, Susan F0469
Isaac, James Paton F0330
Isaacs, Avrom F0134
Isadora Duncan collection F0194
Jack, Gordon Hamilton F0331
Jaffe, Philip J. F0332
Jaffe, William F0333
James, Carl F0707
Januário, Ilda F0580
Jarrell, Richard F0721
Jewish Student Federation of York University F0009
Johnson, Arthur C. F0334
Joint Centre on Modern East Asia F0010
Kane, Jack F0547
Kastner, John F0195
Kater, Michael H. F0456
Katz, Morris F0335
Keefer, Janice Kulyk F0482
Keehn, J.D. F0109
Kemp, Albert Edward F0336
Kenedy, Robert A. F0466
Khayatt, Didi F0588
Kidd, J. Roby F0337
Kilbourn, Elizabeth F0131
Kilbourn, William F0338
Kobryn, Henry F0484
Koch, Eric F0472
Koenig, Kathryn F0105
Kolko, Gabriel F0339
Kuin, Roger F0340
LaMarsh Research Program on Violence and Conflict Resolution F0011
Lambert, Allen T. F0173
Lapointe, C.M. F0460
Lasserre, Madeleine Boss F0674
Latin American Working Group (LAWG) F0463
Laura Rosenburg theatre programs (collection) F0374
Laurence, Margaret F0341
Laurence, Margaret (collection) F0350
Lawson, Robert A. F0521
Laxer, James F0166
Laxer, Robert F0179
Le Goff, T.J.A. F0342
Leckie, Keith Ross F0188
Leckie, Mary Young F0220
Leitch, Peggy F0343
Lennox (family) F0549
Lessem, Alan F0243
Lever, Alfred Beverley Philip F0344
Lewis, Robert F0605
Wyndham Lewis Collection F0584
Levine, Norman F0345
Leyda, Jay F0346
Lindström, Varpu F0558
Lipshitz, Sam and Manya F0444
Lorch, Lee F0524
Lowther, G.R. F0174
Lucas, Helen F0100
Lumiala, Anna-Liisa F0633
Lundell, O.R. F0182
Lynn, Jonathan F0526
Macdonald, Donald Stovel [DRAFT] F0598
Macdonald, H. Ian F0150
Mackenzie, Addison Alexander F0347
Mackenzie, Donald F0348
Mackenzie, Lloyd F0519
Maguire, Terrill F0659
Mahood, Louise F0204
Malyon, Carol F0454
Mandel, Michael F0663
Mann, W. Edward F0349
Mariposa Folk Foundation F0511
Marques, Domingos F0573
Martin, Dianne F0480
Martin (family) F0107
Mavor, James F0351
McArthur, Kennetha F0143
McClure, Michael F0129
McDonald-Evans, Virginia F0352
McInnis, Edgar Wardwell F0353
McKenna, Stephen F0354
McLaughlin College F0012
McPhedran, Marilou F0514
McQuaig, Linda F0203
McVeigh, Ruth F0582
Medow, Paul F0247
Memorial Society Association of Canada F0355
Mendelsohn, Dr. Robert S. (collection) F0649
Merrens, H. Roy F0356
Milner, James B. F0357
Miniciello, Robert F0507
Mistry, Rohinton F0180
Mitchell, Roy Matthews F0358
Mohr, Ingeborg F0651
Mohr, J.W. (Hans) F0642
Moore, Mavor F0359
Morris, Ruth F0461
Morrison, James J. F0360
Morriss, Frank F0361
Moss, John F0645
Mountain Fund - To Save the Boat People F0121
MTRAC (Metro Toronto Residents' Association) F0115
Music Gallery F0119
Nasato, Luigi F0675
Nash, Knowlton F0520
NDWT Theatre Company F0201
Neely, Keith Kent F0231
Nelles, H.V. F0464
Nesbit, Charles F0362
New Democratic Party F0363
New Play Society F0364
Newton, Janice F0655
Niosi, Bert F0240
Norman Bethune College F0013
Norquay, Margaret F0176
Northern Journey F0365
Novak, Allan F0572
O'Brien, Arthur Henry F0366
O'Hagan, Richard F0679
Obsidian Theatre Company F0555
Odom, Selma F0544
Onion F0367
Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation (OPSMTF) F0569
Ontario University Employment and Educational Equity Network (OUEEN) F0517
Operation Lifeline - To Save The Boat People F0369
Osgoode Hall Law School F0014
Ostry, Bernard F0370
Ouellet, Fernand F0371
Packer, William A. F0559
Paikin, Steve F0479
Paisley, Irving Allan F0373
Panitch, Leo F0164
Papadatos, George [DRAFT] F0661
Parkdale Community Legal Services F0378
Penner, Norman F0379
People or Planes Committee F0380
Petty, Dini F0575
Philpott, Florence F0233
Pick, Alison F0586
Pitman, Walter F0241
Pittman, Bruce F0465
Pocock, Nancy F0171
Pollock, Harry F0381
Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association / Associação Democrática Portuguesa (PCDA) F0579
Portuguese Interagency Network (PIN) F0578
Posluns, Michael F0382
Powe, Bruce F0104
Powe, B.W. F0103
Powell, Allan T.R. F0111
Presthus, Robert F0383
Professional Librarians' Association of York University F0015
Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. Centennial Conference F0384
Project Ossington F0385
Pyke, Linda F0386
Pyper, Charles Bothwell F0387
Quebec Tercentenary Photograph collection F0112
Rahder, Barbara F0699
Rahman, Sukanya F0606
Randolph, Jeanne F0585
Rasky, Harry F0388
Ray, Wayne F0389
Rayfield, Joan F0470
RCDS Toronto Scottish Country Dance Association F0504
Reed, Graham F0390
Reid, George F0566
Reid, Mary F0187
Reid, Timothy Escott Heriott F0391
Rendezvous Club F0532
Retired Women Teachers of Ontario F0196
Rhind, Pauline Elizabeth F0392
Rhombus Media Inc. F0118
Richmond, Anthony F0095
Richmond Hill Naturalists F0487
Rickerd, Donald S. F0393
Riddell, Walter Alexander F0394
Robert Owen Foundation F0395
Robertson, Eric F0505
Robertson, Ray F0563
Roche, Robert F0396
Rock, Virginia F0600
Rogers, George James F0397
Rohmer, Richard F0473
Ross, Murray George F0398
Rowntree, Henry Leslie F0399
Royal Canadian Air Farce (see Abbott-Ferguson Productions Ltd.) F0554
Rubin, Don F0144
Rubinoff, Lionel F0329
Ruby, Clayton F0208
Rudakoff, Judith F0245
Ruskin Literary and Debating Society F0400
Rutland, Enid F0401
Salmon, Beverley Noel F0731
Salutin, Rick F0193
Sampson, Peggie F0492
Sander, Heidi F0499
Saywell, John Tupper F0402
Scheier, Libby F0130
Schiff, Harold I. F0403
Schindeler, Frederick F. F0404
Schreiber (family) F0127
Seeley, John R. F0405
Shain, Merle F0406
Sheard, Sarah F0277
Sherman, Jason F0191
Shore family fonds F0543
Sibbald (family) F0139
Siegel, Lionel F0407
Silverman, Marilyn F0672
Simpson, Don F0592
Singer, Gail F0462
Sitwell, Edith, Dame F0408
Sitwell, Osbert F0409
Sitwell, Sacheverell F0410
Smith, Denis F0411
Smith, John N. F0096
Smyth, D. McCormack F0412
Snowden, Edward (collection) F0413
Solitar, Donald F0414
St. John, J. (Joseph) Bascom F0415
Starr, Ernest D. (collection) F0232
Starobin, Joseph F0416
Stein, Marc F0664
Stephen Thomas Limited F0536
Stephens, George Washington Jr. F0710
Stepler, Dorothy F0170
Sternberg, Barbara F0718
Stevenson, Ray F0167
Stong College F0017
Stong (family) F0550
Stop Spadina Save Our City Co-ordinating Committee F0417
Storr, Richard J. F0418
Stuckey, Johanna F0420
Student Representative Council of York University F0018
Sullivan, Paul F0141
Sussex Area Residents' Association F0421
Swan, Susan F0113
Swartley, William Moyer F0422
Tatham, George F0423
Tawney, R.H. F0424
Taylor, Albert Edward F0425
Taylor, Bryce F0426
Taylor, Nat F0183
Templeton, Charles F0216
Tenney, James F0428
Tessera F0211
Theatre programs collection F0429
Thistle, Lauretta F0430
Thomas, Clara and John Lennox F0431
Thomas, Clara F0432
Thompson, V.A. (Tommy) F0097
Till, Eric F0503
Tomcik, Andrew F0206
Toronto Dance Theatre F0146
Toronto Musicians' Association F0495
Toronto Telegram F0433
Tri-Service Identities Organization F0436
Trist, Eric F0682
Tucker, Albert F0604
Tyrwhitt, Janice F0437
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America F0438
University Women's Club of North York F0160
Uppal, Priscila F0237
Vaitiekunas, Vincent F0210
Vanier College F0019
Vassanji, M.G. F0485
Vera, Yvonne F0697
Verney, Douglas V. F0458
Vinci, Ernesto F0439
Voaden, Herman Arthur F0440
Vogt, Gordon F0468
Volavka, Zdenka F0132
Walker, Edmund, Sir F0441
Warkentin, John F0184
Warner, Mary Jane F0574
Warwick Publishing Groups F0475
Waves F0442
Weinstein, Larry F0668
Wekerle, Gerda F0234
Welby, Victoria, Lady F0443
West, Art F0154
Weyman, James F0712
White, Leonard F0123
Whitaker, Reg F0225
Whittaker, Herbert F0453
Wicken, William F0568
Wieland, Joyce F0445
Wieland, Joyce (collection) F0114
Wilcox, Leone F0153
Wildeblood, Peter F0138
Williamson, Mary F. F0098
Wilkinson, Paul F. F0637
Winters College F0020
Winters, Robert H. F0446
Wise, Lou F0539
Wiseman, Adele F0447
Witmer, Robert F0717
Wittenberg, Alexander F0747
Wolfe, Roy Israel F0448
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd. F0501
Women, social justice, and Canadian trade unions collection F0494
Wood, J. David F0215
Wood, Peter F0457
Woods, Archibald Henry F0449
Woods, Sara F0145
World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre F0276
World War I Memorabilia (collection) F0427
Wurfel, David F0577
Yolton, John F0250
York, Alissa F0715
York Community Connection F0021
York Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship F0022
York-Ryerson Computing Centre F0023
York University Archives calendar collection F0158
York University Archives ephemera collection F0168
York University Archives manuscript (collection) F0478
York University Archives theatre programs (collection) F0429
York University Co-Operative Daycare Centre F0024
York University Faculty Association F0025
York University historical collection F0450
York University Pollution Probe F0026
York University Senior Common Rooms Inc. F0027
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Alumni Association F0029
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Art Gallery F0030
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Assistant Vice President (Business Operations) F0031
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Assistant Vice President (Student Relations) F0032
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Associate Vice President (Management and Information Systems) F0033
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Associate Vice-President (Registrar) F0034
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Board of Governors F0035
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Centre for Continuing Education F0036
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Centre for Research on Environmental Quality F0037
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) F0038
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Centre for the Support of Teaching F0039
York University (Toronto, Ont.). College Administrative Assistants F0040
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Computing and Network Services F0477
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Convocation Office F0041
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Council of Masters F0042
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Counselling and Development Centre F0043
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Alumni Affairs F0044
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Ancillary Services F0045
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Campus Planning F0046
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Communications F0047
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Facilities Planning and Management F0048
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Human Resources F0049
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Instructional Aid Resources F0050
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Physical Plant F0051
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of Private Funding F0052
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Dept. of University Facilities F0053
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Administrative Studies F0054
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Arts F0055
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Arts and Science F0056
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Education F0057
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Environmental Studies F0058
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Fine Arts F0059
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Graduate Studies F0060
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Pure and Applied Science F0061
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Founders Fund F0062
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Graduate Students' Association F0063
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Institute for Social Research F0064
York University (Toronto, Ont.). International Student Centre F0065
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Libraries F0066
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Monday F0067
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Office of Institutional Research F0068
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Office of Research Administration F0069
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Office of Special Projects F0070
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Office of Student Services F0071
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Office of the Advisor to the University on the Status of Women F0120
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Office of the Chancellor F0072
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Office of the President F0073
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Organizing Committee of York University F0074
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Pension Plan F0090
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Photograph collection F0091
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Provost F0075
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Retirement Consultation Centre F0076
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Safety, Security and Parking F0077
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Senate F0078
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Student Services Community F0079
York University (Toronto, Ont.). University Secretariat F0124
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (Academic Affairs) F0080
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (Academic Services) F0081
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (Campus Relations and Student Affairs) F0230
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (Employee and Student Relations) F0082
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (External Relations and University Development) F0083
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (Finance) F0084
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (Finance and Administration) F0085
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (Institutional Affairs) F0086
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (Research and Innovation) F0214
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (University Affairs) F0087
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Vice President (University Services) F0088
York University (Toronto, Ont.). York International F0089
York University (Toronto, Ont.). York University Staff Association F0092
York University (Toronto, Ont.). York Variety Show F0093
York University Transport Centre F0028
Young, Fred Matthews F0451
Zerker, Sally F0452
Zimmerman, Selma F0488
Zingrone, Frank F0467
Zolf, Falek F0614
Zolf, Larry F0110
Zolf, Rachel F0538
Zukerman, Bernard F0202