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100 best business books

100 best business books

It seems to be that time again….   Once every few years students ask for a list of the 100 best business books ever written.  As you can imagine it is a formidable task to compile such a list and of course no one will agree with all of the choices.   Not to mention the fact that values change and what is considered a “best” book in one decade may not make the list in another time.   So I am taking the easy way out and letting others take the plunge in selecting the top one hundred.  Let me first share one of my all time favourite’s with you and it doesn’t appear on any of the two lists I am posting below.

My favourite is Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun, by Wess Roberts.  It doesn’t take itself too seriously and neither should we.   Happy reading!

Here are the links:

And here’s a short list of business classics: