Course Reserves
Maps & atlases for various courses are placed on reserve at the Scott Library Circulation Desk.
All borrowers must have a valid York University library card. Please see the Borrow, Renew, Return page for information on loan policies for our collections. The oversize atlases, reference books, and maps are not available for loan.
Computing and Software
The Map Library currently has three computers for patron use. All computers have the Geographic Information System Software including ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, R and R Studio, and Google Earth Pro. To learn more about GIS software, please visit our GIS at York University page.
The Map Library has one scanner for use, free of charge. Patrons can also print from the computers, to the Scott Library 1st floor printer. To use any of the computers, a Passport York account is needed. If you do not have a Passport York account, please visit the Welcome Desk on the 1st floor of Scott Library to get a temporary account.
Map Displays
Map displays of reserve items or of materials on special themes are regularly mounted in the library throughout the year.
Geospatial Literacy Classes
Our workshops and classes teach your students basic geospatial literacy skills, including the ability to find, retrieve, evaluate, analyse, and use geospatial information. To book a library class in the Map Library space or with our data services librarian use the Class Request Form or email